Cities of Italy

5 most popular excursions from Rimini

In April 2015, BlogoItaliano made a special trip to Rimini to learn more about the famous resort city, so popular among Russians in the summer months. Here I was lucky to get acquainted with the guide Victoria, whom I dedicated a separate article on the pages of the site. Then Vika promised to send descriptions of excursions that are of the greatest interest among "our" tourists. She kept her promise, and this is what we got.

Sightseeing tour of Rimini
A traditional city tour will introduce you to the historical sights of Rimini from antiquity to the present day. It will be interesting for the first acquaintance with the resort town.
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Excursion to Ravenna
Ravenna is an amazing city, which Byron, Blok and the great Dante sang in their works. On its territory there are 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. As part of the tour, we will walk along the streets and admire the main attractions of this cozy Italian town
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Excursion to San Marino
You can admire the magnificent panorama of the Adriatic from Mount Titan, take stunning photos against the backdrop of the sights of one of the smallest states of the world as part of an excursion to San Marino.
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Excursion to Urbino from Rimini
You can enjoy a walk through the medieval streets, beautiful city architecture and an impressive palace that gracefully blends into the surrounding landscape as part of an excursion to the town of Urbino - the birthplace of the famous Raphael.
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Excursion to Bologna from Rimini
Bologna is a large city full of sights. What is his university recognized as the oldest in the world? And the cuisine ... The culinary delights of Bolognese are known far beyond Italy. In the framework of this excursion full of impressions, we will see and try all the most delicious and interesting.
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Sightseeing tour of Rimini

Tour Duration: 2-3 hours

What is the trip to Italy without a tour of the place of stay? And Rimini in this regard is no exception. According to Victoria, this is the most popular tour for which they turn to her. And this is the same walk after which I wrote my review about it.

This tour of Rimini includes all the main attractions of the city from ancient times to the present day. From the era of antiquity, you can visit the Roman Forum - the modern area of ​​the Three Martyrs, the bridge of Tiberius, Arch of Augustus, as well as the recently discovered archaeological complex House of the Surgeon.

The tour of Rimini includes all the main attractions of the city

The sights of antiquity are replaced by the Middle Ages: Cavour Square with its palaces and the Fish Market, Malatesta Castle, and, finally, the pearl of the Renaissance - Malatestian Cathedral. Designed by Florentine architect Leon Battista Alberti, it houses the famous Crucifix Giotto, the fresco by Piero della Francesca and the architectural decorations of Agostino di Duccio. Inside the cathedral are the burials of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta himself and his third and beloved wife - Isotta degli Atti, in whose honor, in fact, the building was erected.

Depending on the wishes of tourists, at the end of the tour you can take a walk around the Rimini San Giuliano quarter dedicated to Federico Fellini, or enjoy the sea air and coffee with ice cream in the New Port.

Excursion to Ravenna

As for its relatively small size, Ravenna is an amazing city. This is already evidenced by the fact that on its territory there are 8 monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Ravenna is often known to our travelers as a city of mosaics, but this is far from its only feature. About what it is still remarkable, we learn during this trip.

The beauties of Ravenna were sung by Blok, Byron and, of course, the great Dante, who lived in her last years. It was here that he finished his Divine Comedy - many places in the region are described in his edging.

The beauties of Ravenna sang Blok, Byron and the great Dante

As part of this trip, travelers visit churches built in honor of the patron saint of Ravenna - St. Apollinaris, the mausoleum of Galla Placidia, San Vitale, 2 baptistery - Neon and Arian, and, of course, the Dante mausoleum.

The tour is rich and suitable even for those who really do not like long journeys: from Rimini to Ravenna a little more than 60 km.

San marino

Within excursions from Rimini in San Marino you can not only get acquainted with the sights of one of the smallest countries in the world, but also indulge in a colorful local shopping.

Who would have thought that a small Christian community, once founded by a mason Marino from the island of Arbe in Dalmatia, would continue to exist after his death, becoming first an independent commune, and later an independent state.

The central historical part of San Marino is located on Mount Titan

The central historical part of San Marino is located on Mount Titan - it offers magnificent views of the Adriatic coast and the rolling hills of the Italian region of Marche. During the tour, we stop at the most promising places for photo and visit the main attractions of the dwarf state. Of course, we will not disregard shops and souvenirs - San Marino has no shortage of them.

From Rimini to Urbino

As for its dwarf sizes - only about 15 thousand inhabitants live here permanently - the city is of tremendous importance. First of all, Urbino is known as the birthplace of the great Raphael and the second most important city of the Renaissance after Florence.

Even Urbino is often called a palace city. Such fame came to him after the construction of the ducal palace during the reign of Federico da Montefeltro - a grandiose design perfectly fit into the surrounding landscape. The feeling of this incredible harmony is further enhanced by the colorful medieval streets and idyllic surrounding landscapes.

Urbino is often called a palace city

Another feature of Urbino is the University: due to students during the school year, the population of the town increases exactly twice.

Excursion to Bologna from Rimini

Bologna is a large city and there is something to see. Therefore, this excursion from Rimini is considered one of the most interesting. Red, greasy, smart - that's how the Bolognese themselves describe the city.

Red - because of the color of the roofs and the wide support of the Communist Party in the city. Bologna’s greasy cuisine is known not only in Italy, but also far beyond its borders: mortadella, stew Bolognese, tagliatelle and tortellini - the list of local dishes can be continued indefinitely.

Well, smart thanks to the oldest university in the world, founded back in the 1088th year. Copernicus, Guglielmo Marconi, Francesco Petrarch, Pierre Paolo Pasolini, Luigi Galvani, Giorgio Armani and many other eminent persons studied in it.

Excursion from Rimini to Bologna is considered one of the most interesting

During this trip we will visit the Piazza Grande with the Basilica of St. Petronius (inside the famous fresco by Giovanni da Modena, depicting the prophet Mohammed in an unsightly view), the communal palace, Neptune square with the fountain of the same name and the palace of King Enzo. We will also make individual stops at the Archimuseum with an anatomical museum, a complex of 7 churches of Santo Stefano, and visit the famous towers of Garisenda and Asinelli - a symbol of Bologna.

Shopping in Rimini

I would also like to say that Rimini is a real paradise for a budget shopaholic. In numerous boutiques and outlets, in wholesale warehouses and factories scattered throughout the city and beyond, you can find amazing Italian quality goods at ridiculous prices. Elegant fur coats, clothes and shoes sewn by all European standards for both women and men, luxurious bedding - these are just a few that you can buy in Rimini. In order not to drown in all the variety of options presented, you can always resort to the services of a guide. He will show the best places for shopping and help determine the prices.

Shopping in Rimini - A truly painful pleasure, which at least once in a lifetime is definitely worth a try.

How to contact a guide in Rimini

Rimini is one of the most popular resorts on the Adriatic coast, and during the holiday season there is nowhere for an apple to fall. Therefore, when planning a vacation and taking a closer look at the excursions, it is better to agree with the guide in advance. Some days of trips - especially applicable to July and August - are booked in the winter, but because the sooner you write, the higher the probability of agreeing the most convenient dates and routes for your excursion.

The price of any excursion from Rimini includes:

  • travel on comfortable vehicles with air conditioning;
  • accompaniment of a Russian-speaking guide on the whole route and in the place of stay.

I want to note that, in addition to the trips mentioned in the article, Vika also offers other routes - all details can be clarified directly from her.

You can contact Victoria by email protected or via the feedback form below. Vika tries to respond day to day.

Mail to Victoria:

Have a good trip!

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Photos by: David Nicholls, zioWoody, J. Mario Franco, gengish skan, Vlad Ivanov

Watch the video: Flying in Europe Part 5 - Rimini to Pula - The Flying Reporter (September 2024).

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